Thursday, March 20, 2014

Still Life

I am going to bring in for my still life picture
  • Basketball trophy
  • Basketball medal
  • Ipod and headphones
  • Cell phone
  • Picture
  • Watch
  • Purple

Aperture and Depth of Field

1/30 sec;   f/4.8;   ISO 1600

1/30 sec;   f/13;   ISO 1 l600

These are my three pictures of the different types of Aperture and Depth of Field . these were all taken in the same area so it was kinda hard to change things to look okay. so one of them is of one trophy and the others being blurry. then its of two objects and the background being blurry then the last one is of three trophy's and the others in the back being blurry.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spot the Difference

These are my Spot the difference pictures. I used the clone stamp tool a lot throughout things and I also used the paint brush to color different things on here. the green circles in the last picture are of the things that I changed from the original picture. this was kinda fun when changing things up in making the picture look totally different from what it was at first