Friday, February 28, 2014

Color Collage

This is my color collage with 6 different colors all out in places as to where they would end up on the color chart. these were just of random pictures that had certin colors I was looking for. this project wasn't too hard and was kinda fun.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


This is a picture of a picture I put together. I just used the move tool to line everything up as best I could. this came out really good and im proud of myself. but it took a really long time to do

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Light Graffiti

 Changing the shutter speed on the camera helped get the perfect picture because the time would finish before I got done with my art work. but after a while we gave up on having the timer and just switched the shutter speed to were the person behind the camera held it down until you finished making what your decided to make.

These are my two funny looking smile faces that I was trying so hard to get perfect but ended up coming out pretty good .

When the shutter stays open longer it gives you more time to get the picture done . When its shorter it is kind of rushing you to get your picture done but it depends on how bright of a light you have because with ours we had to draw it really slow so it would catch it all.

This was me trying to write my name ,
it came out okay but I think it could have
been a lot better if I took it slower.

The difference between 5 and 5" is that one is 5 seconds and the other is 5 th of a second .

This last one is of me being a ghost coming from
the dark to the light making funny faces and getting
blinded from the light

Monday, February 10, 2014

Photo Montage

This is my photomontage of the outside of sandcreek high school, this was by far the hardest project I had to do this class, finding the right spot of the and which piece goes where I fill like this was a big challenge with understanding the consept of it all. making each picture the right size and making sure my photo didn't look stupid was hard but I think I did pretty good to say it was the first time.